It can be challenging for English writers to figure out how to use homophones. One of the most perplexing aspects of writing in the English language is deciding whether to use the tense “past” or “passed.” The following are some illustrations to help you distinguish between the two.
Homophones are words that sound alike and have different meanings. They are often misconstrued in the English language. It can make them easy to mix up. There are a lot of homonyms that sound the same when you say them, which makes it hard for English writers to tell them apart. One of the most common homonyms in English is “passed” vs. “past” because the two words sound the same when uttered.
Fortunately, “past” and “passed” are two different words in the English language. Understanding the meanings of these tricky English homophones will make it easier to remember them and keep them apart in your head.
“Past” VS “Passed”, Two Distinct Words With Same Origin:
The fact that both “passed” and “past” derives from the verb “to pass” contributes to their conflation. It makes it hard to keep them apart. In the past, both terms have been used interchangeably. But as time goes on, the two words have taken on different meanings due to the constant evolution of language.
Because of the widespread use of social media and texting, the words “passed” and “past” are frequently misconstrued. Writing in English can be a challenge because so many people misinterpret these words.
When To Use “Passed.”
In the past tense, “passed” refers to the verb’s past participle. Whenever one uses these homophones (sound-alike words) either as an action noun or verb, one needs to write it ” Passed.” The noun “passed” can be used as a transitive and intransitive verb. If the verb is transitive, it has a direct object.
For instance:
- The trainee passed the test.
In the case of an intransitive verb, there will be no direct object like this:
- The exhibitor registration deadline has passed.
Using “Passed” In Unique Ways:
There are exceptions to every rule in grammar, and “passed” is one such exception in the English language. While spelling a verb, “passed” is always the correct spelling, although this word has a variety of applications that aren’t verbs. Writers may use phrases like this while discussing a deceased person:
- Don’t make nasty comments about those who have passed.
The phrase “passed away” is another typical use of “passed.”
If you want to describe a “passed ball” in sports or a “passed pawn” in chess, you can use the word “passed” as an adjective. People who have passed a specific examination or certification test may sometimes be referred to as “passed professionals,” like “passed firefighters.” This usage is rare, but it’s still correct to use.
When To Use “Past?”
In a sentence, the word “past” can relate to many distinct parts of speech, although it is most typically used to allude to a previous time or place. There are many diverse ways to express the word “past.” It could be a noun, a preposition, an adjective, or an adverb.
Using “Past” As A Noun:
The word “past” can also be used to refer to a moment in the past or a specific time in history. When you use the phrase “happening in the past,” you refer to something as a noun. In this context, the term refers to a preceding time or an earlier period in history. Here are a few illustrations:
- Having a good understanding of the “past” might help you comprehend the present.
- People used to ride horses rather than drive automobiles in the “past.”
- The successful entrepreneur has a fascinating “past.”
Using past as an Adjective:
“Past” can also be used as an adjective. It can change both nouns and pronouns. Here are a few illustrations:
- “went” is the past tense of “go.”
- Our president had very different political views than the one we have now in the past.
- Over the past year, we’ve witnessed several transformations.
Using Past As A Preposition:
It’s possible to begin a prepositional phrase with “past.” When used as a preposition, it must be followed by an object. The following are some examples:
- Time has ticked past eleven.
- When the driver saw the police officer approaching, he accelerated past him.
The preposition “past” is used to describe how things are or have been in the past.
Using Past As An Adverb:
The word “past” can also be an adverb. It can change an adjective, a verb, or another adverb. The word “past” can also show how things move from one place to another. Here are a few illustrations:
- The young man sped past me.
- A good time came and went past rapidly while they had fun.
Final Words:
So, how do you maintain a clear distinction between the concepts of “past” and “passed” in your mind? When referring to someone who has completed an athletic or other activity or addressing someone who has passed an examination, the word “passed” is never used as a noun. It is always used as a verb. In the future, the term “past” will be used to refer to a range of different homophones.
Other than the difference between ‘past’ and ‘passed’, if you are looking for improving your overall English Grammar, I would like to suggest you click here and read our extensive article on 10 English Grammar Books for Writers.
Also, if you are looking for something handy. Something that can assist you in writing content online, then I’d like to ask you to click here and go through our detailed article on The Definitive Guide for Using Grammarly.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1. “Passed” Or “Past,” Which one is correct?
Based on the context, either word is acceptable. The word “past” can take on the form of a noun, a preposition, an adjective, or an adverb. It is a verb whose past tense is “passed.” A few times, “passed” is used differently, but the word “past” is never employed as a verb.
Q2. Does “Past your bedtime” mean the same thing as “passed your bedtime?”
Since this word is a preposition, it should be spelled with the word “past” rather than “passed.”